Welcome to the Multiverse

Matt Smith's Doctor Who


The Tardis door bursts open and Matt Smith’s version of the Doctor bounds over to me. ‘Jemma! Thank goodness you’re safe!’ He looks around the ship and spots the two droids. ‘Don’t I know you..?

Cee-Threepio and Artoo exchange glances. Artoo emits a series of excited whoops and beeps, while Cee-Threepio raises a golden arm to his forehead as if he is searching his memory banks. ‘Sorry, sir, I don’t quite…’

Artoo mutters something in beep-talk.

‘Okay, never mind that now,’ the Doctor turns back to me. ‘The Tardis has detected a quantum disturbance in this galaxy and it seems to have something to do with your ship, Jemma.’ He looks around, puzzled. ‘Where are the boys?’

I explain as briefly as I can.

The Doctor taps his sonic screwdriver against his head. ‘The Millennium Falcon, eh? Always wanted to have a go on that,’ he says with an envious grin.

‘That’s right,’ pipes up Cee-Threepio. ‘That’s where we’re waiting to go, isn’t it Artoo?’

Our surroundings flicker like they need re-tuning again.

‘This doesn’t look good,’ says the Doctor.

Artoo’s head spins agitatedly and he emits a stream of tech-babble in beep-talk.

The Doctor obviously understands. ‘Golly,’ he exclaims. ‘The ship has divided into two, you say!’  The Doctor whirls around, brandishing his sonic screwdriver in Artoo’s direction. ‘That would explain a lot.’

Artoo scoots over to the console and inserts his scomp link. He projects an image of a starship docked in the familiar cargo hold of the Millennium Falcon. If that’s our ship, it doesn’t look  quite how I imagined it, but then I’ve never seen it from the outside. Even so, a bright red fighter was not what I’d envisaged.

‘Are you sure that’s right, Artoo?’ asks Cee-Threepio. ‘I was under the impression that Miss Jemma’s starship was a rather pleasing shade of blue.’

The flight deck suddenly becomes less gloomy and comes more sharply into focus. Was it something Cee-Threepio said?

I look more closely at the image the little droid is projecting. The boys are on the ramp at the rear of the spacecraft and Han Solo is standing on the cargo deck holding something in his hand. All three of them appear quite animated.

Two ships, multiple dimensions…Harris’s version and mine…

The comms device in my tunic pocket buzzes urgently. Han Solo’s picture appears on its screen. ‘Jemma? Jemma are you there?’

‘Yes, Han, Jemma here.’

‘Look, kid. I don’t know where you’ve gone, but you need to get back to this ship of yours. Right now! There’s some sort of…’

I return my gaze to Artoo’s projection. Han is running anxious fingers through his hair, while Harris and Stevens cling to the sides of the hatch. The bright red ship is flickering, like it’s about to dematerialize.

‘Look, Doctor!’ I gasp, pointing to what’s happening. Artoo whistles loudly and cuts the image. The little droid turns to the console and starts to wave his clasper arm over the controls.

‘This really isn’t good at all, Jemma. We need to get the two versions of your ship back in sync.’

I turn my attention back to the comms device. ‘Don’t worry, Han, the Doctor’s with me. We’re on our way.’

Doctor who?’ I hear Han ask, but I leave the question hanging.

Cee-Threepio peers over my other shoulder. ‘Yes, sir, don’t worry, we’re coming!’

The comms link goes dead.

The Doctor starts to pace around, tapping his teeth with his iconic implement. Suddenly he stops. ‘That’s it!’ He waves the sonic screwdriver with a flourish. ‘Come on Jemma, there’s no time to lose!’

What’s happening back on the Millennium Falcon? Will the Doctor get Jemma there in time? And what exactly was Artoo up to at the console?
Tune in next week for episode 9

And if you we’re wondering what on earth (or off-earth) is going on,
you can catch up with the entire first series of Space Cadets

Image credits: thegeektwins.com, outerplaces.com

24 thoughts on “Welcome to the Multiverse

  1. Jemma and Harris have got to get their versions of the ship in sync! Probably only one can exist. The Doctor (love his cameo appearance) will save the day, but I’m not sure how…A multiverse is a strange place to visit Chris. ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Multiverse! Love the quantum entanglement of it all! Two different versions of the same ship competing for the same space is bound to throw out an anomaly or two! Looking forward to the next part, Chris.

    Liked by 1 person

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