On a Roll of the Dice

The wheel spins
which one will win?
how much has each invested?
This week’s wage
a watch, a car?
Too much, for sure
don’t doubt it.
The stakes are high
their dreams are huge
the risk of loss is greater.
Don’t bet your life
on the draw of a card
for only the house
always wins.

Image credit: B P Miller @Unsplash

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #97 photo prompt.

The image shows three men, one covering his eyes, the other covering his ears and the last one covering his mouth with their hands.

55 thoughts on “On a Roll of the Dice

  1. Very good advice. Never bet what you can’t afford to loose.
    If you do ‘bet’ for entertainment – as some do set an amount. Put your winnings if any in a different pocket and when your ‘fun money’ is gone – walk away.

    Liked by 1 person

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