Reflecting at dusk

At day’s end when golden rays slide silently into shadow
running through the shorter colours of the rainbow
while sun’s bright disk is swallowed by dark waves
I wonder, what did I achieve today?

Unlike dawn with her sacred dazzling promise
of a brand new day and a fresh clean start
another tiny chapter of life has closed
one more page has turned, waves
washing over sand, erasing.

I sit on the sun-worn steps
gazing out at the ocean
her timeless waves
her heart beating
and wonder
what might

Image credit: Kenrick Mills @Unsplash

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #99 photo prompt.

The image shows a view of the setting sun over a body of water. In the foreground, you can see wooden steps leading into the water. Grey clouds are drifting in the sky.

56 thoughts on “Reflecting at dusk

  1. Some faiths believe the day starts at sunset… And yet with, that most of the darkness is slept away in dreams for those hours until the sun rises. I enjoyed the color and shape of your word pictures in my mind. The ocean is always full of inspiration. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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