Noble Residence?

The images shows arches of an old brick building and steps leading down. From the arches you can see some part of the building too.
We see the arches of an old brick building and steps leading down.
From the arches you can see some part of the building too.

Saffron rays stream
over ochre battlements
castellations contrast
with soft sapphire hills.

Walls whisper secrets
in this citadel of splendour
cruelty and kindness
hidden deep within the keep.

Fortress façade fit
for the finest queen
monument to a mistress
a woman never seen.


Image credit: Vrolans @ Pixabay

Written in response to Sadje‘s What Do You See #111 photo prompt

60 thoughts on “Noble Residence?

  1. This is one of those places where being able to touch a wall and feel the past would come in very useful, Chris… no more cruel nor kind secrets then!
    I also love your description of colour!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I like this one, both for the photo and the imagery. I had to laugh about your comments with Chris above. Is that anything like teachers never reading or following directions? I think we are notorious for that!😂

    Liked by 1 person

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