Unfinished Business

Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash


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Di of Pensitivity 101 – Wednesday’s Three Things ChallengeVIEW, SAW, VISION

Denise Farley of GirlieOnTheEdge
Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word PromptMOVE

41 thoughts on “Unfinished Business

  1. Vampire…now we are talking!!
    And as Anne Rice’ Lestat said:
    “Who cares? Kingdoms rise and fall. Just don’t burn the paintings in the Louvre, that’s all.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oh yes, the wonderful Anne Rice and Lestat! I’ve read several of those and the film.

      Now, let’s see… a heist in the Louvre (done it before, but maybe again and better with the red-head?)🤔

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I like how even those gargoyles are hooked on their phones. A vampire and a new moon add to the mystery. I also wonder: what happened “last time”? Nice tale full of opportunities for more adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

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