The Old Vampire

© Ayr/Gray




Posted for The Unicorn Challenge, a magical challenge hosted by Jenne Gray and C E Ayr, where they provide a photo and we, in turn, provide up to 250 words.

Di of Pensitivity 101 – Wednesday’s Three Things ChallengeBELLS, BUTTONS, BOWS

Denise Farley of GirlieOnTheEdge
Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word PromptFREQUENCY

42 thoughts on “The Old Vampire

  1. love the intertwining of worlds/stories…

    was actually thinking about doing something to riff off Tom’s post… reading your Six makes me feel more… not quite confident, more…err hopeful


    Liked by 1 person

    • Now let’s see, the red-head woman seems to think that the vampire is young, but I’m fairly sure that the vampire is very old indeed – several centuries in fact. Tricky, isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I walked the streets of Montmartre with you, Chris.
    Smartphones and vampires – and talking gargoyles – your story has it all.
    And the carnival atmosphere.
    It all sets up the atmosphere for the ‘young’ girl vampire.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The red head woman best be on her guard walking away from the festivities even though it’s daylight. Vampires surely are as at home in Montmartre as the gargoyles. And about that old vampire – can’t be anything more creepy than an ancient vampire whose form is that of a young girl. Enjoying this tale, Chris!


    • Now let’s think… What about some other vampires? Maybe from Lestat by Anne Rice perhaps, just like how Nick said last time – or maybe even earlier…

      So glad that you are enjoying this – thanks so much, Denise.


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