Full Moon

Photo by Abdullah Ahmad on Unsplash


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Denise Farley of Girlie On The Edge
Sunday’s Six Sentence Story Word Prompt: LIGHT

46 thoughts on “Full Moon

  1. Eerie, as a full moon story deserves, Chris.🌕
    (Lockpicking, eh? 😎)

    I see that the Flower Moon has attracted supernatural beings in Sixes… ghosts, gargoyles, winged ‘Els… Loving it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. you know what I like the most about Six Sentence Stories in general and your Six this week in particular?

    Worlds can collide and be better for it… i.e. cemeteries and old buildings. what is not to like!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The red head woman is quite brave. Wandering around a rooftop of an old building that just so happens to have 2 bickering gargoyles? And, she plans on picking the lock to an antique safe. Already have my ticket for next week’s episode 😁

    P.S. Love that you posted on the day of the full moon.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh… I do hope the gargoyles find a new home… and well now we are all curious to what is in the safe. And of course the life of a spooky cemetary! Keep our ‘girl’ “safe” 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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