An Uneasy Peace

The image shows a street scene of an old town in Europe.

dawn’s pink fingers
caress the town awake
softening the darkness
bringing forth the light

he walks alone
fighting recollections
of grim gun-metal days
running through
crimson-spattered streets
dodging snipers
and falling shells

the war is over
but remembered sounds
and bitter memories
remain locked inside
his broken heart.

Image credit: Maksym Harbar @Unsplash

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #101 photo prompt.

63 thoughts on “An Uneasy Peace

  1. I loved the personification of Dawn in this poem. It was such a clear and beautiful image. It was sad that – instead of seeing the beautiful light, his head was still more focused on the horrors of the war before. It’s almost impossible to move on and forget something as terrible as war.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aw Chris, war is never okay…regardless of how noble and heroic the intentions maybe, because there would always be innocent victims caught in the middle …and your poem just speaks so much of those victims .

    Liked by 1 person

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