Reaching for a rainbow

Varicoloured, head spinning, ebb and flow below
Easy now, no need to go
Reflect on your decision. No!
Taking my leave now
I’m stepping out
Gasping, grasping

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #82 photo prompt.

Image credit: Sean Robertson @ Unsplash
The image shows a view of a busy street from the top of a tall building. Down below you can see traffic and pedestrians.

Dinner for Two

Dusk melts seductively
Into soft velvet
Now darkness descends

Forever, I’ll long to hold you again
On this date when I

This is our special night
When I set the table, anticipating, longing for you
Oh, I will always be longing for you.

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #78 photo prompt.

Image credit: Gabriella Clare Marino@ Unsplash
The image shows a table set for two people. The location seems to be outdoors, in an alley

Ode to Selene

Starlight pricks heaven’s violet mantle

Evening shades fade to velvet umber

Luminous in languorous liquid light

Eternal sentinel of mortal slumber

Never failing, forever wax and waning

Enduring, eternal moon.

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #75 photo prompt.

Image credit: Jasmin Chew@ Unsplash
The image shows a young woman looking up at the sky where a new moon is visible. Her stance is meditative.

Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon. Her Roman equivalent is Luna.

Be Tranquil

Beauty transcends reason
Eloquence reaps her just reward.

Take a moment to tiptoe past your worries
Recall tributes, triumphs and tenderness
Augment your vessel of contentment
Negate all negative thoughts
Quelling the armies of anxiety
Under a big bright blanket of hope
Infuse yourself with inner strength
Life’s about the journey; go now, walk in peace today.

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #68 photo prompt.

Richard Kesperowski @ Unsplash
The image shows a couple of water lilies growing in a pond of water.

Purple Prose

Like luminous petals falling
Over lush green lawns your
Violet verses float down in
Eloquent abundance.

Love-filled lyrics pervade the ether
Elegant stanzas resonate with rhyme
Tantalising texts torment my senses
Tempting cantos seep into my soul
Eternal love spills from your pen while
Rhythms of ecstasy permeate my heart.

Written in response to Sadje‘s What do You See #65 photo prompt.

Image credit: Simona Sergi @ Unsplash
The image shows an envelope hanging by a white thread. In the background there is a house entrance

Let me out!

The image shows wall art. A woman is dressed in 1950’s style. A speech bubble next to her says, ” Listen to your inner child” There are cartoons and graffiti on the wall too

My inner child cowers, confined by conformity
Yearning to be let out, unshackled and free!

Iridescent, uninhibited
Not contained and
Not restrained, she’d
Engineer enjoyment, frivolity and fun.
Raging and rebellious

Chortling and
Howling, craving
Instant satisfaction, but no! Quietly she
Lurks beneath the veil of decorum
Dwelling in the darkness, sadly unfulfilled.

Written in response to Sadje’s What Do You See #61 photo prompt.

Image credit: Tim Hüfner @ Unsplash
The image shows wall art. A woman is dressed in 1950’s style. A speech bubble next to her says, ‘Listen to your inner child’. There are cartoons and graffiti on the wall too.


Unknown waters lie ahead, our future is opaque, obscure, still uncharted

No more mapped out milestones, no glittering goals to accomplish

Certainty has ceased, while we clutch at withered straws

Ever searching for proper patterns to pursue, the

Return to routine, to the mindful mundane

That frees us, and comforts us

And will sustain our souls

If only in illusion.

No chance of

That hope


Written in response to Sadjes What Do You See #54 photo prompt.
Image credit: Evan Clark, Unsplash

(The image shows a person precariously balanced, standing on a fallen tree trunk hanging over a body of water).

Forest enchantment

For visually challenged reader, the image shows a woodland scene, where blue butterflies are sitting on the forest floor among tiny mushrooms. Tall trees are visible in the background.

fern fronds caress the moonlight’s cobalt rays

opening night blooms to scent bright butterfly wings

ringing bluebells dancing over dead leaves and distant hearts

ever beating, glowing in the heart of darkness

sending saffron sunbeams sliding over silky loams

tempting new life to rise from the ink-dark dead of night


Written in response to SadjeWhat Do You See #34 photo prompt.
Image credit: Pixabay